Thursday, February 24, 2011

Google Technologies at Work in Uganda's education Sector

Chris Ntwatwa is a developer and administrative assistant at Makerere University.

Chris is a staunch User of Google technologies, moreso Google Web Toolkit.

He has used Google technologies to develop an Education Information System. Using GWT and other technologies, Chris developed an EIS, that handles Students Administration, Finances, student application and admission, student registration, document management of students and results management.

He has found using GWT interesting because of the nice user Interface one can create, doesn't require user sessions, the use of Ajax technology, platform independence among others. Chris' system is now being used in three academic institutions that include Makerere University, Makerere University Business School and Multitech business school.

He keeps adding functionality to the system and customising it depending on the user. The figures below illustrate two data entry forms and a report generated by the EIS.